Spend less time on customer inquiries. Help your customers find answers as fast as (non)humanly possible with AI-powered search, trained on your own content.
HelpShelf integrates with your existing support tools and resources, learning from them to deliver smarter, faster answers.
Page Rules give you granular control over which content appears on specific pages, ensuring users find only the most relevant resources. This feature helps reduce confusion and directs users to the answers they need without a lengthy search.
With Announcements, you can share crucial updates, new features, or timely messages directly with your users. By using targeted announcements, you ensure users see relevant info as soon as they arrive to your site.
With HelpShelf, you have the power to tailor and refine answers over time, creating a truly personal experience for your customers. Unlike traditional chatbots, HelpShelf lets you hand-pick and organize responses, ensuring users find exactly what they need without generic, automated replies. Elevate customer satisfaction by continually curating content that meets your users’ needs and reflects your brand’s unique touch.
HelpShelf’s Help Center offers a self-service hub for users, set up instantly with your integrated content. It empowers users to find answers independently, reducing support inquiries and providing a customizable, branded experience.
HelpShelf minimizes the time spent on customer inquiries by empowering users to find answers independently, streamlining support and boosting efficiency.
We’ve helped businesses across industries empower reduce their customer service inquiries.
In self-solved inquiries, empowering users to resolve their questions independently, reducing reliance on support staff.
Happier customers thanks to faster, self-service answers without the need for unnecessary interaction.
Simple pricing to level up your agency.